LMS Update for week beginning 17th October 2016

As reported previously, the learning management system (LMS) will be reviewed over the coming months. A ‘request for tender’ (RFT) was issued in September allowed all potential vendors to respond to our educational and technical requirements. The RFT process closed on 30th September. The submissions were cut to a list of 3 based on mandatory business and technical requirements. In Phase 1, these submissions were evaluated on a set of education, technical and partnership requirements.

Phase 1 concluded on 13th October resulting in a shortlist of 3 vendors for detailed evaluation by the wider University in Phase 2.

The shortlisted vendors will be invited to set up environments for demonstrations and scenario testing.

Phase 2:

Phase 2a – the shortlisted vendors will demonstrate their platforms and discuss their vision and roadmap in the week beginning 17th October. This phase will also involve telephone interviews with comparable universities currently using each platform.

Phase 2b – the shortlisted vendors will set up test environments. These will be used by the Educational Innovation team to set up dummy units of study and scenarios for detailed user testing by 24th October. An evaluation advisory panel, comprising staff from faculties, central units and a student representative has been convened. These advisors will oversee the evaluation process and assist in the selection of testers for the scenario-based evaluation.

8 scenarios will be developed and tested by small teams from the faculties and central units given ‘build’ level access, from 24th October – 30th November:

  1. Learning and teaching management
  2. Learning activities
  3. Assessment and evaluation
  4. Group and project work
  5. Content creation and re-use
  6. Social interaction and communication
  7. Mobile experience
  8. Innovation

The innovation scenarios will be an opportunity for faculty to provide a scenario or use case they would like tested and have the results included in the evaluation.

Usability and end-user satisfaction will be tested through larger groups of staff enrolled as ‘students’ working through learning scenarios.

Focus groups of students will be invited to similarly test these learning scenarios for usability including mobile and accessibility requirements. These students groups will be selected through an expression of interest process and, to reflect their time commitment and contribution.

The results from these user-based tests will be combined with the phase 1 and phase 2a scores to produce a final recommendation and report in early December.


Event Time Status
RFT released to market 02/09/2016 Complete
RFT closed 12pm, 30/09/2016 Complete
Initial examination and conformance check 30/09/2016 – 04/10/2016 Complete
Phase 1: detailed evaluation 01/10/2016 – 11/10/2016 Complete
Phase 1: preparation of evaluation report 12/10/2016 Complete
Respondents shortlisted for Phase 2 13/10/2016 Complete
Notification to short listed respondents to set up environment for demonstration and scenario testing 14/10/2016
Phase 2a – demonstration Week of 17/10/2016 Complete
Phase 2b – scenario based testing 24/10/2016 – 30/11/2016 Underway
Final recommendation based on Phase 1 and 2 scores 1st week of December 2016


If you have any questions about the LMS transformation project, please contact your Associate Dean (Learning and Teaching) or email Professor Adam Bridgeman.

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