Welcome to Canvas: Sessions to help you design in Canvas

By Mabel Amber https://pixabay.com/en/dock-feet-footwear-jetty-mat-1846008/ CC0

To kick start our University-wide move to Canvas over the next 6-18 months, the Educational Innovation Team as part of the DVC (Education) Portfolio are hosting a series of ‘Welcome to Canvas’ sessions to introduce interested academics and designers to how Canvas works, and importantly how to ‘think in Canvas’, which is fundamentally different to how we have been thinking about unit site design for many years.

In these brief 1-hour sessions, we will discuss how Canvas is structurally and philosophically different, how basic unit site design will work in Canvas, introduce you to key Canvas features, and start reimagining your unit sites. These sessions are repeats of each other, so you only need to go to one. Get in quick because we can only fit in a certain number of people due to venue size restrictions. If there is significant demand, we’ll host more sessions or move to a larger venue. Unless stated otherwise, the sessions are held in the Educational Innovation space on level 2 in Fisher Library.

General sessions

These sessions are for geared for academics and staff who will be building in Canvas.


Wednesday 20 June 2018, 12 pm – 1 pm  Sign up here


You can also check out some short videos created by the Educational Innovation team at Sydney which introduce similar material to the Welcome to Canvas sessions.

Take me to the videos


Please get in touch with [email protected] if you would like the Educational Innovation team to run custom sessions for your faculty/school/department/discipline.


Tell me more!

Supporting these sessions, you may also want to check out our growing collection of Canvas articles on Teaching@Sydney:


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