As generative AI tools reshape industries, educators at the University of Sydney Business School are rethinking how AI can enhance students’ learning experiences and professional skills. Below we explore how academics are thoughtfully integrating AI tools into their written assessments. From enhancing writing skills in finance to supporting entrepreneurial thinking and fostering team reflection in international business, these examples show how faculty members are preparing students for a future where AI literacy is a given.
FINC2011 Corporate Finance I
Most people think of numbers when they think of finance, but finance practitioners also prepare reports where professional writing skills are essential. Jennifer Sun, along with the support of the FINC2011 teaching team and the Business Co-design team, recently enhanced a group assignment by incorporating a structured writing workshop facilitated to guide students in researching, drafting, and iterating their group reports, with generative AI tools (Cogniti and Microsoft Copilot).
Such workshops welcome students to engage with generative AI tools in a scaffolded way, providing feedback and support during the writing and revision process. Jennifer wanted students using these tools to brainstorm and sense-check their work against a Cogniti agent that had custom instructions and the assignment’s rubric in its system prompt. She consistently emphasised the importance of analysing and critically evaluating everything generative AI tools generated before making use of its response. This created a safe space for students to experiment, to ask questions, and to get hands-on experience in how to use these tools without compromising academic integrity.
“The logic of the discussions has improved, and there is more structure in the critical analysis.”
Jennifer says, “we have seen a significant improvement in the quality of the submissions. The logic of the discussions has improved, and there is more structure in the critical analysis. Some of the background research on the companies is more comprehensive than in previous semesters, which could be a result of students using AI to support their research – a concept we discussed in the workshop. However, there are still areas where the interpretation of AI-generated results, particularly for technical terms, is lacking. It highlights that while AI can aid the process, having the knowledge to critically evaluate the information it provides is still essential.”
IBUS6020 Enterprise Management in China
Hans Hendrischke and the team running IBUS6020 Enterprise Management in China incorporated human AI interaction in their assessment to progressively build students’ understanding and analysis of a Chinese company’s globalisation strategies through a real-life case study. The components of the assessment are two individual critical reflection assignments and a final group report.

This iterative approach incorporates multiple submissions of work from multiple sources that students developed over the semester, including:
- Comparing and contrasting media reports with academic readings to develop their critical thinking skills and constructive use of AI
- Using the Business Model Canvas (BMC) on Miro to analyse the competitive strength of their chosen company’s subsidiary in the host market applying more theories as they progress through their tutorials
- Contributing to a shared database of resources they have used in these tutorials, understanding nothing is AI-proof but this practice promotes transparency and crowdsourcing ideas
- Creating multiple video submissions across the semester, addressing different problems and angles to showcase their understanding of the unit content and development of their group case study.
- Generating an AI (ChatGPT) SWOT analysis to compare against their own SWOT analysis evaluating the differences and the credibility of each approach. This exercise encourages students to critically assess the role of AI in business analysis and decision-making.
By completing these interconnected assessments throughout the semester, students acquire analytical skills and develop a comprehensive understanding of their case study company’s globalisation strategies, challenges, and lessons learned.
IBUS3101 International Business Alliances
Similarly, Swati Nagar introduced changes to her assessment structure in semester 1, 2024. Initially, the unit included a group project followed by a final exam. Swati enhanced the group project by adding a reflective component and replaced the exam with a report.
In their group projects, students analyse a management issue related to international business and decide on a course of action. For example, as leaders of a simulated company from New Zealand, students must decide whether to expand to Australia or Great Britain or both. These findings are presented to the class and followed by a Q&A. Following this, students write an individual piece, reflecting on their team’s success working together and their own professional development.
Students were allowed to engage with generative AI tools while developing their assessment and had to acknowledge their use. They were also asked to detail their group work experience, supporting their reflections with specific artifacts (e.g. meeting minutes). The rubric specifies that their reflections are both detailed and original, whether they use generative AI tools or not. This combination of process documents and personal reflection helps ensure students know that their personal work is valued.
Tutors noted that students found the reflection very difficult as it wasn’t a skill they had practiced regularly in their studies. Interestingly, the same reflective activity garnered positive feedback in the end unit of study survey, resonating with some students as a unique way to personalise their studies in line with their professional identities.
One student commented, “this was by far the best assessment structure out of any IBUS course I’ve had yet. The quizzes ensured I learnt the content, the group project helped me engage with peers, and the final report research task was far more engaging and interesting than any closed book exam could have been. By choosing real world alliances to analyse, I was able to engage with the content I had learnt and apply it far more easily than just memorising theory.”