Hack Your Lecture 2018


The lecture has been around since the Middle Ages and the role the lecture is constantly evolving. Over the past few years you may have heard bold proclamations that lectures are becoming a thing of the past and that we need to offer something more. On the other hand, others claim lectures still hold value in modern higher education.

Whether you agree or disagree that lectures are still a “good” way for students to learn, most of us can attest from experience that “bad” lectures can have hugely negative effects on factors such as student motivation and attendance.

But what makes a “good” or “bad” lecture?

This is not always easy to answer. Most will agree, however, that at its core a good lecture tries to keep students engaged and actively listening and/or participating while you, the lecturer, do what you do, whatever that might look like – traditional lecturing, flipped classroom, peer learning, lectorials. A good lecture should give students a positive and beneficial learning experience and ultimately, a reason to attend class!

With this in mind, and on the heels of Open Door Week 8 and Open Door Week 10, we would like to ask you:

How would you design a lecture that would achieve 100% student attendance and engagement? What would make a lecture ‘unmissable’?

We challenge you to answer these questions by taking part in the inaugural University-wide “Hack Your Lecture” challenge run in Week 9.

Come and hear from a panel of students and academics about their thoughts on the perfect lecture in 2018. Then, work together in teams of students and staff to hack an existing lecture and brainstorm ideas to transform it into an ideal learning experience. If you like, you can even bring your own lecture to work on. The top teams will present their ideas to the panel, with prizes and glory for the winning team.

Ultimately, we would love you to come and refresh your ideas of what makes a great lecture, helping your students to think of lectures as inspired as well as just required!

Date: Wednesday, 3 Oct 2018 (Week 9)

Time: 11:00-12:30

Location: Camperdown Campus

Register here


We are also looking for students to apply to be part of the student-staff teams. If you have any students you think would be interested, please send them here: http://bit.ly/hackyourlecture2018_student

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