Canvas workshops: refresh your skills


Canvas has many powerful features and tools to help your students learn online and for you to support, interact and assess them. We provide an extensive set of workshops and resources to empower you to run your Canvas sites. These are available to both academic and professional staff and are designed to be practical and linked to your teaching needs.

Canvas Skills: Foundations

This 2-hour introductory workshop focuses on the basics of building a Canvas site.

Topics include:

  • Basic site navigation and functionality
  • Building content Pages and Modules
  • Communicating with students using Announcements and Discussions (whole cohort and groups)
  • Accessibility in Canvas
  • Using the calendar

This workshop is intended for academics and learning and teaching staff who have no or very little experience using Canvas.

Register Now   Register for a Foundations workshop

Canvas Skills: Assignments & Anonymous Marking

This 2-hour workshop focuses on how to incorporate advanced features into your Canvas site.

Topics include:

  • Creating assignments
  • Anonymous marking
  • Sections and groups
  • Using video resources with Arc

This workshop is intended for academics and learning and teaching staff with basic Canvas skills.

Register Now   Register for an Assignments and Anonymous Marking workshop

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