Canvas focus workshops


Canvas has many powerful features and tools to help your students learn online and for you to support, interact and assess them. Because it is quite different to Blackboard, we are providing an extensive set of workshops and resources to empower you to run your Canvas sites. These are available to both academic and professional staff and are designed to be practical and linked to your teaching needs.

Focus workshops

These 4 workshops have been designed based on feedback from staff on their needs and focus on:

  • Marks and the gradebook: managing marks and giving feedback using the gradebook.
  • Sections and groups: managing your students for marking and collaboration.
  • Assignments: setting up and marking assignments, including those to be marked anonymously.
  • Arc video: how to create and embed videos in your sites and ensure they are accessible.

Register Now   Register for a Focus Workshop

Skills workshops

These workshops provide basic and advanced training in using the most widely used Canvas features:

  • Skills 1: the basics of Canvas: navigation, building essential elements and communicating with students.
  • Skills 2: advanced features: assignments, groups and video creation.

Register Now   Register for a Skills Workshop

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