Workshop: Models and principles for working in partnership with students

Hands drawing each other
Illustration by Nebraska Oddfish. Reproduced without alteration under Creative Commons 2.0 licence.

There is a groundswell of people at the University of Sydney working in partnership with students to transform higher education. There are examples across the university, including embedding cultural competence into units of study, (e.g. in Geology and Project Management) and the student ambassadors for assessment, and for cultural competence at previous teaching colloquia.

Following on from last year’s visit by international students as partners expert, Professor Alison Cook-Sather, the Educational Innovation team is hosting a workshop to discuss some of the models and principles for working in partnership with students.

If you are working with, or interested in working with, students to co-create or co-inquire in a unit of study, an assessment task, a program, or other aspects of uni life, please join us for an informal discussion with others who have similar interests. Please contact Dr Amani Bell ([email protected]) if you have any queries.

All are welcome – including students –  to share the conversation and have a pizza lunch in Seminar Room 218, Level 2 Fisher Library, on Thursday 23 March, 12-2pm. Please register – you can also register your interest to receive the slides if you are unable to attend this time.

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