Week 4 // Open Door is back!

I'm going in... by Ross G. Strachan https://flic.kr/p/aAGQvP CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

The week-long event last year that had staff around the University asking for more is back this semester.

Loved it. Should be more!

I think it’s a great initiative to encourage fellow staff to learn about teaching.

I liked everything about it, extremely worthwhile.

The Week 4 // Open Door event has been expanded in semester 1, 2017, to include other classes like tutorials, seminars, and ‘lectorials’, along with the good ol’ lecture. If you missed Week 4 // Open Door last year, this event is where selected teachers from around the University are invited to swing open the doors of their class and invite interested colleagues to sit in and observe how they engage students. Last year, observers picked up a number of practical and impactful ideas for their own teaching, such as chunking class time and bringing real-world relevance and research into lectures. Still not convinced? Read Prof Adam Bridgeman’s reflection on how peer observation transformed his teaching. But don’t just take our word for it:

I like the university-wide approach. It can be so informative and inspiring to watch teachers teach and students learn outside of your own area. I think these kinds of events help to make teaching more public – something that can benefit us all.

Liked that it breaks down barriers, opens up teaching, taking it away from a secretive activity and making it collegial.

To see the classes on offer and to register your place (hurry, spaces are strictly limited), access the calendar and booking system here:

See the Open Door classes and register


If you have any questions, please check out our Frequently Asked Questions, or get in touch with the Educational Innovation team.




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