LMS Update for week beginning 4th October 2016

LMS update 4th October

As reported previously, the learning management system (LMS) will be reviewed over the coming months. A ‘request for tender’ (RFT) was issued in September to allow all potential vendors to respond to our educational and technical requirements. The RFT process closed on 30th September. The submissions were cut to a list of 3 based on mandatory business and technical requirements. The remaining submissions will be subject to a 2 phase evaluation process.

In phase 1, the technical requirements and basic educational requirements are being tested to potentially reduce the field to 3 or less platforms. Phase 1 is due to be completed by 13th October. In phase 2, the remaining vendors will be invited to (i) demonstrate their product roadmap (week beginning 17th October) and (ii) set up live environments for testing (by 24th October). These environments will then by used to evaluate the educational requirements through scenario-based tests by staff representatives from all faculties and students. These tests are due to be completed by 30th November. The results from the two phase evaluation will then be combined and used to produce a final recommendation in the first week of December.

Phase 1:

In phase 1, the written submissions for these 3 vendors are being evaluated based:

  • Educational requirements covering (i) the core product, (ii) its design and interface, (iii) the available tools, (iv) its ability to work on mobile devices, (v) its assessment and reporting features, (vi) its administration features, (vii) its adherence to industry standards and (viii) the support resources available for users.
  • Technical requirements covering (i) the architecture, (ii) infrastructure, (iii) information security and access management, (iv) technical support, (v) compliance and compatibility and (vi) implementation.
  • Partnership requirements covering (i) legal and commercial, (ii) references and (iii) relative costs.

The phase 1 evaluation began on 1st October and is due to produce a recommended shortlist for phase 2 by 13th October.

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