Principles and Practice program

Groups developing summaries
Interactive session at P&P © 2017 Amani Bell

Changes to the Principles and Practice program

As of 2019 the Principles and Practice program has been subsumed by the Principles and Practice pathway in the Modular Professional Learning Framework (MPLF).

Get started with the MPLF

The Principles and Practice of University Teaching and Learning (P&P) program is a joint Education Portfolio and Faculty program. It is a basic introduction to teaching and learning principles in higher education, and University of Sydney teaching and learning culture. The program will address how best to engage students in learning, and will help enhance practical teaching skills in ways relevant to specific disciplines and faculties. The program forms part of the University’s confirmation process for the appointment of continuing staff. The two-day program offers staff the chance to think about their own experiences of teaching and learning in relation to current research on effective student learning, and how different approaches to teaching may influence that learning. The program looks at practical models and methods that can be used to enhance student engagement in a variety of disciplinary contexts, and how to integrate elements of good course design.

Survey feedback from participants in the July program showed that:

92% agreed that the program will be useful in their work
94% agreed that the teaching & learning activities helped them to learn effectively
96% were overall satisfied with the quality of the program

Comments from these participants included:

The presenters were modelling the kinds of techniques they were teaching in the content. This really helped.

It was practical and engaging.

I have learned lots of things on how to include students more, and how to make the class more interactive so that people get engaged and actually take some knowledge home with them.

Best teaching course I’ve done!

A Certificate of Completion is issued to staff who complete each day of the two-day program (from 9.30am to 4.30pm) and a subsequent faculty activity.

Priority is given to continuing staff who need to do the program as part of their confirmation; however there is also often space for sessional staff, HDR students, and professional staff involved in supporting teaching.

The program runs three times per year.

Changes to the Principles and Practice program

As of 2019 the Principles and Practice program has been subsumed by the Principles and Practice pathway in the Modular Professional Learning Framework (MPLF).

Get started with the MPLF

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