Office for Learning and Teaching Resources

Although the  Office for Learning and Teaching will cease to exist after 30 June 2016, there are many excellent resources which have been produced as a result of projects funded by the OLT. These are still available on the OLT website and will continue to be added to as current projects and those recently funded are completed.

The most recent group featured on the website includes that led by Helen Mitchell of the University of Sydney:

Among other reports just released which can be found on the website are :

  • Facilitating Human Research Ethics Review for Student Research
  • A Framework for Building Teacher Capacity and Student Engagement in STEM within School
  • Improving Educational Opportunities for Aboriginal Education Workers through Technology
  • and the 2015 report on academic integrity

Among the FAQs on the website about the closure of the OLT is the following question and answer about the resources:

Q. What will happen to the resource library on the OLT website?

A. The department is working to curate and secure a suitable accessible repository for the resource library. Until the new repository is established the resource library will be accessible through the OLT website link.

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