Inclusive Culture in Our Teaching: Universal Design in Canvas Event BY-NC-ND 2.0

Providing high quality education is a matter of social justice, and ‘Universal Design for Learning’ (UDL) is an innovative framework that supports all learners – regardless of socioeconomic, cultural, gender, language, cognitive, physical, and emotional background. Accessible content benefits all users. As more learning and assessment takes places online, it is of fundamental importance that we provide digital content that meets the varied needs of all students and staff. The transition to Canvas provides an ideal opportunity to ensure this occurs.

This event will feature presentations on how to embed Universal Design into Canvas and your teaching practices followed by a panel discussion.

Event Details

Time and date: Thursday. 7 September 2017 from 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm AEST
Location: S226 MECO Seminar room, John Woolley Building, A20, Camperdown Campus, The University of Sydney

Register: Thursday 7 September 2017 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm



12.00-12.15 Welcome and Introduction
Professor Gerard Goggin, Australian Research Council Future Fellow, Professor of Media & Communications, Media & Communications
12.15-12.30 Universal Access & Design
Sarah Houbolt, TEDxSydney speaker and University of Technology Sydney, Equity & Diversity Unit accessibility specialist
12.30-12.45 What Canvas can offer for Educators & Students
Dr Danny Liu, Senior Lecturer In Academic Development & Leadership, Educational Innovation Team
12.45-1.00 The Privilege of Normalcy
Dr Sheelagh Daniels-Mayes, Lecturer in Education & Social Work, Sydney School of Education & Social Work
1.00-1.15 Practical Approaches to Following Universal Design for Learning Principles Within Canvas
Dr Michelle Bonati, Associate Lecturer in Special & Inclusive Education, Sydney School of Education & Social Work
10 minute break
1.25-1.45 Panel Discussion led by Chair, Professor Gerard Goggin

  • Huw Griffiths, Senior Lecturer In Early Modern Literature, Department of English, Chair, Social Inclusion Committee, FASS
  • Lesley Beaumont, Associate Professor of Classical Archaeology, Department of Archaeology, Faculty Disability Liaison Officer, FASS
  • Jason Markou, Assistive Technology Lead, Information & Communications Technology
  • Sarah Houbolt, TEDxSydney speaker and University of Technology Sydney, Equity & Diversity Unit accessibility specialist
  • Danny Liu, Senior Lecturer In Academic Development & Leadership, Educational Innovation Team
1.45-2.00 Q&A and closing of session
led by Professor Gerard Goggin


Other resources

You may also want to check out some resources and tips on accessibility and Canvas:

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More from Adam Bridgeman