Future of OLT: redirection of funding

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The notice below about the future of  the Office for Learning and Teaching is the statement from the Federal Government which appears on the OLT website. It explains that the OLT will cease to exist. The national teaching awards will continue but not the grants and fellowships.

More funding is being directed to help students make informed decisions about their university education, and measures to improve quality in higher education in Australia. The Government will redirect funding from the Promotion of Excellence in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (PELTHE) to fund these new investments. For greater transparency the Government will enhance the innovative Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching (QILT) website to better support student choice and help them make decisions about their higher education future.Additional funding will also enable the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency to meet its additional provider registration and course accreditation activity, and manage the ongoing need for additional capacity to investigate and respond to emerging risks.

From 30 June 2016 the Office for Learning and Teaching will cease operating.The department will manage all ongoing grant and fellowship projects to their conclusion, with the final projects scheduled to complete in 2018.

From July 2016 there will be no new grants or fellowships. The Promotion of Excellence in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education will continue to fund awards through the Australian Awards for University Teaching programme for national recognition of excellence and innovation in learning and teaching.The 2016 Australian Awards for University Teaching (AAUT) citations and awards will continue as planned, with state-based citations ceremonies scheduled for September and October and a national awards ceremony in December 2016.

The email address learningandteaching@education.gov.au will remain as the primary contact for enquiries about projects and awards.
Further information can be found in the FAQs.

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