#edTech Talks: Flexible Teaching at a Distance With Collaborate

Web conferencing

In the next #edTech talks, Dr Peter Kench from the Faculty of Health Sciences and Dr Frances Di Lauro from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences will talk about their experiences running webinars and synchronous tutorials using Blackboard Collaborate.

Peter uses webinars to offer off-campus students in the Master of Medical Imaging Science an experience similar to on-campus students. The first webinar is used to introduce the UoS coordinator and discuss the learning and assessment. The next two webinars are offered one or two weeks before major assessments.

Frances will discuss how she uses web conferencing in a first year unit, Writing and Rhetoric: Argumentation, to run synchronous tutorials and create a bonded cohort of on-campus and off-campus students. In this unit, students also used the online meeting space with peers to plan and develop their collaborative group work and the teaching team meetings were conducted using the tool.

  •  12.00pm – 1.00pm, 16 September 2016
  • Room 218, Level 2, Fisher Library South (F04)
Click here for further information and to enrol


To find out more about using Blackboard Collaborate, use the resources on the new Educational Innovation Professional Learning site: log in to Blackboard and go to the eCommunities tab.

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