Entrepreneurial Thinking for Sydney’s Students

Entrepreneurship by J. Frawley 2017

New Open Learning Environment (OLE) on Business Entrepreneurship will help today’s students become the business founders and leaders of the future.

Entrepreneurship is often associated with Silicon Valley styled innovation and new ventures hoping to become the next Google or Facebook. However, entrepreneurial thinking and acting have the potential for much wider application. Business entrepreneurship is an area that asks us to imagine the future, create value for society, pursue opportunities beyond resources currently controlled, and engage in work that leads to the creation and growth of new ventures. These skills are important for anyone seeking to innovate, whether as a startup or an established organization. As today’s graduates enter a rapidly changing business environment, learning how to think and act in an entrepreneurial way is more important than ever.

This year Business School academic Associate Professor Stefan Meisiek and his team have received $35,000 of funding through the University’s Strategic Education Grants to develop an Open Learning Environment (OLE) unit on Business Entrepreneurship.

Assoc. Prof. Stefan Meisiek. Ekon Dr Dipl Kfm, Director Educaion Innovation in Business. Business School Abercrombie Building.
Assoc. Prof. Stefan Meisiek.

This OLE will be a splendid opportunity for students to learn and experiment with bringing a novel products or services to market, acquiring the necessary business skills for creating and harvesting value, and to begin building a viable company.

The course will be available in a combined online and offline format that will cover everything from business modelling, guerrilla marketing, bootstrap finance, through to managing growth. The online material will be presented in video cases, podcasts, pencasts, quizzes and games, and offline there will be intensive, facilitated workshops inviting students to try and experiment with entrepreneurial behaviour.

The aim of the course is for students to be able to follow best practice approaches such as human-centred design and lean start-up to create a minimally viable product or service, ‘wrap’ a business model around it, test the market, assemble a team, and look for funding opportunities.

It is hoped that this OLE will support students in not only imagining new futures, but growing this into the products, services and businesses of the future.

Entrepreneurship OLE Structure

0CP - for zero credit points students can follow the online content from idea generation to managing growth | 2CP - for two credit points students will take part in hands-on, experiential, intensive workshops around core entrepreneurial activities.

For more information on other grants received for Open Learning Environments and Project Based units see staff news. See more on staff news

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