Engaging students in internationalisation – symposium and call for papers

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For those interested in engaging students in internationalisation  global learning, please read on…

Symposium – Engaging students as partners in global learning

This National Symposium on Engaging Students as Partners in Global Learning will create a vibrant space for discussing critical, theoretical and practical perspectives on engagement and partnership in global learning. It will present innovative practices, which engage students, academics and other university staff as active partners in learning and teaching in the interconnected, multicultural societies of the 21st century.

Keynote speakers include: Professor Betty Leask (La Trobe University), Professor Fazal Rizvi (Melbourne University) and Arfa Noor (past President of Council of International Students Australia).

Date: 9th October 2017
Place: University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania
Registration: The Symposium is free and open to all (students and staff).


Registration closes on 2nd October 2017.

This event is supported by Wendy Green’s Australian Learning and Teaching Fellowship on Engaging students as partners in global learning.

Call for papers – Journal of Studies in International Education Special Issue 2019

Title of Special Issue: Engaging students in internationalisation.

This Special Issue in the will draw on new ways of thinking about student engagement, which position students as active, critical, and agentic contributors to all aspects of university life in our globalised, interconnected world.

Considerations of student engagement in the formal curriculum, co-curricular programs and informal opportunities for learning, such as social clubs and student housing, are all invited. Explorations of students’ active engagement in different contexts – at home and abroad – are equally welcome.

Contributions may address practical, strategic, conceptual, and/or theoretical concerns about student engagement in internationalisation, and employ a range of methodological approaches. The questions discussed in this Special Issue may include, but will not be limited to the following:

  • What does ‘student engagement’ in internationalisation mean, and how is it enacted in different cultural, national and regional contexts? How does the concept of student engagement ‘translate’ across geo-political and cultural borders?
  • What is the nature of students’ (cultural/linguistic) expertise, and how can a culturally diverse, international cohort of students and staff learn from each other?
  • What are the personal, cultural, institutional, political and economic blockers and enablers of student engagement in internationalisation?

In the spirit of this Special Issue, it is anticipated that some submissions may be co-written by students/alumni and staff (academic staff/faculty, professional staff, and other stakeholders)

Deadline for submissions to Special Issue: 28 February 2018
Instructions for Authors
Special Note: Submissions should be labelled in bold caps on front page of manuscript immediately below the title: ‘FOR CONSIDERATION FOR SPECIAL ISSUE: ENGAGING STUDENTS IN INTERNATIONALISATION’
Questions to: Special Issue Editor, Wendy Green, [email protected]


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