Celebrating Contributions to Educational Excellence

Old Trophies by Gene Wilburn CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

The Vice-Chancellor’s Awards for Excellence expand the Vice-Chancellor’s Scheme for Outstanding Teaching to a suite of awards covering all of the University’s activities and all continuing and fixed term staff. Alongside recognising academic staff for research and teaching excellence, the VC Awards also celebrate the contributions of professional staff to the University experience and their central role in enhancing the educational outcomes of our students.

The expanded range of awards also now highlight the importance of innovation in educational approaches with a new category aimed at those who have developed or exploited novel technologies and those who engage students with authentic industry and community challenges.

To reflect a culture of celebrating and supporting educational and research excellence, the Vice-Chancellor’s Awards for Excellence are now by nomination. Nominations close on 9th September with the recipients recognised at a ceremony on Tuesday 25 October 2016.

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