Welcome to the new year, and to the first edition of Teaching@Sydney for 2016.
At the end of 2015, the Institute for Teaching and Learning, and Sydney eLearning merged to form a new Educational Innovation (EI) Team located in the DVC (Education) Portfolio. By bringing together this expertise, we hope to work more closely and consistently to support the University’s ambitions outlined in the new Education strategy. The EI team will offer more focused and strategic support to faculties and professional learning opportunities for individuals. The new Educational Innovation Team is led by Professor Adam Bridgeman, Director of Educational Innovation.
At present, the new EI team is occupied with supporting the University’s education commitments in a range of areas:
- Educational Integrity roadshows (with the new Office of Educational Integrity)
- LMS readiness for the start of semester 1
- Supporting the pedagogical uses of Turnitin through workshops: book through Careerpath or organise a special session through Ricky Connor.
- Supporting the professional learning of academic staff via blended learning opportunities: Sessional staff, Principles and Practice, Graduate Certificate, Foundations for Research Supervision programs
- Helping staff prepare applications for the University and national teaching awards and citations.
It may take a little time for the new EI team to re-brand itself so please be patient with us as you may still receive messages marked as being from the Institute for Teaching and Learning, and Sydney eLearning.
You can now keep in touch and share education news, stories and views more immediately by following our new Twitter account (@SydneyEduInnov) and through the vibrant Educational Innovation Yammer group.
We look forward to working more closely with you, and wish you a productive start to the new year!