Teach like a Nobel Laureate

Carl Wieman by PhET Sims

Before the Sydney Ideas lecture on 11 March, Nobel Laureate Professor Carl Wieman and Dr Sarah Gilbert facilitated a special workshop for students and teachers on teaching challenges and strategies in science education. The wide ranging discussion covered topics relevant to effective teaching in all discliplines, including motivation, engagement, active learning and assessment. Building on the rich collection of research-informed and practical tips and resources from the Carl Wieman Science Education Initiative, key ideas from the workshop included:

  • Evidence that active learning approaches dramatically improve student learning and are more enjoyable for both students and teachers,
  • Ways to evaluate the effectiveness of undergraduate lectures and
  • Increasing the effectiveness of mid-semester exams and quizzes in promoting learning.

To self-evaluate the extent of your own use of research-based teaching practices, why not complete the anonymous rubric provided by the Initiative and used by lecturers across the world?

Links to a recording and the slides of the workshop are available on the Educational Innovation group on Yammer.

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