A New Professional Learning Framework For University Teaching

Staircase by Christopher Sessums (2011), Flickr

The University’s 2016-2020 Strategic Plan commits the University to a distinctive and outstanding learning experience. This outcome will be achieved through two key strategies: a transformation of undergraduate education and a transformation of the student learning experience. The new curriculum framework, and the graduate qualities and educational approaches embedded within it, require new styles and methods of teaching. The strategy seeks also to build on this by developing our capacity for more interactive and collaborative learning designs.

Equipping teaching staff to bring about these changes will mean new professional development opportunities to modify teaching approaches. A new professional learning framework is proposed, flipping and personalising professional development to ensure that each educator is provided with opportunities to continually and actively improve their practice, and include wider and more innovative uses of learning technologies. Possible ways to provide recognition and rewards for pursuing professional development are still being discussed, including mapping to the AP&D process, articulation with formal courses such as the Graduate Certificate in Educational Studies (Higher Education) and alignment with external national and internal frameworks.

During semester 2, the framework will be developed and trialled through new online resources and workshops. If you have any comments on the framework that is linked above, please contact Adam Bridgeman.

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