Engage your students in new ways with the help of the DIY recording booth

Educators across the University are engaging students better than ever before, with the help of the University’s DIY recording booth.

Located in the Education Building A35 and run by Educational Innovation, the recording booth has all the equipment and facilities you need for high quality video and audio recording, including:

  • iMac computer, equipped with Camtasia (software to record your presentation to the camera and edit your video), Microsoft Office and Keynote (to show slide decks), and OmniDazzle and Ink2Go annotation software (to draw over the screen)
  • Wacom Cintiq tablet with pen (to draw over the screen with great precision)
  • professional-quality microphone and video camera
  • sound proofing and soft lighting
  • height-adjustable desk and chairs

Supported by educational experts

As the name suggests, the DIY recording booth empowers staff to use the facilities and create their content independently. However, the booth and users are well supported, thanks to the expertise of educational designers from Educational Innovation.

The team run regular familiarisation sessions, advertised on the Educational Innovation Yammer group, to train new users to use the equipment and there is also someone in the team to call for troubleshooting technical queries.

The educational designers are also available to give expert pedagogical advice on how to bring the creative ideas to the screen, and most importantly, achieve the desired learning outcomes.

How do I get started?

  • Get inspired by some examples of teacher-generated educational videos on our educational media gallery in the Modular Professional Learning Framework Canvas site (University of Sydney internal access only). In particular, check out videos 3t, 7t, and 11t.
  • Sign up for a DIY Studio Familiarisation Session run by educational designers from Educational Innovation to get you started with the equipment in the studio

This article was adapted with permission from Staff News.

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