Call for proposals: 2016 ePortfolio Forum ‘Connecting learning to the future’


2016 ePortfolio Forum – Connecting learning to the future

28-29 September 2016
Sydney Conservatorium of Music
The University of Sydney

The call for proposals for the 2016 ePortfolio Forum is now open. Proposals should fit into one or more of the following themes. Those proposals not fitting into these themes should provide an explanation of how the proposal supports the overall event theme of “Connecting learning into the future”.

  • Evaluating the impact of eportfolio use
  • ePortfolios beyond formal education and training
  • ePortfolios supporting career development
  • ePortfolios supporting professionalism
  • ePortfolio pedagogy
  • ePortfolio technical innovation and issues

Submissions are being called for:

  • Poster: A0 static presentation which is pinned up at the forum (both days)
  • Short (peer reviewed paper) presentation:15 min presentation + 5 min Q&A – published peer reviewed paper on day one (28 Sept)
  • 20×20 presentation: 6-7 mins presentation consisting of 20 slides which run for 20 secs each on day one (28 Sept)
  • Short workshop: 40 mins hands-on/interactive session on day two (29 Sept)
  • Facilitate a professional conversation: lead a group discussion around a topic during the ‘Ideas Exchange’ working lunch on day two (29 Sept) – no presentation slides permitted
  • Long workshop: 2.25 hr hands-on/interactive session on day two (29 Sept)

Call for proposal timeline:

  • 6 June – Call for proposals close
  • Week beginning 20 June – Notify outcome of call for proposal submissions (including notification of invitation to submit a peer reviewed paper)
  • 18 July – Submission of peer reviewed papers
  • 8 August – Notify of acceptance of peer reviewed pending any required revision
  • 7 September – Submission of updated peer reviewed papers

Visit the website for further information related to the forum and submissions.

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