2021 Fellowship opportunities

In 2021 the University of Sydney as part of its Strategic Partnership with AdvanceHE is offering all staff the chance to receive professional recognition for their contributions to teaching and learning through the Sydney Educational Fellowship Program. Award for Fellowship is assessed to an internationally recognised standard. There are over 330 Fellows at the University of Sydney with Fellows representing all categories, roles and faculties and schools. There are four categories:

  • Associate Fellowship
  • Fellowship
  • Senior Fellowship
  • Principal Fellowship 

Fellowship recognises your practice and contributions to education independent of your role or title. You can find out which category best fits your practice through the AHE’s Fellowship Category Tool https://bit.ly/isHEAforme and through resources and workshops available through the Sydney Educational Fellowship Program (SEFP)’s Canvas site. 

Fellowship is awarded through peer review to a validated framework and is a widely recognised form of evidence in job and academic promotion applications that have a educational focus. To be eligible to apply for Fellowship you must be:

  • Employed by the University of Sydney (under any contract) 
  • Involved in teaching (e.g. tutoring, lecturing, unit or program coordination) or learning support (e.g. educational design, student services, library) in higher education 

The COVID-19 pandemic brought significant challenges to educators in 2020 and 2021. In response, many teachers and educators across the University of Sydney demonstrated increased educational innovation and leadership. Applicants may find that this practice enriches or diversifies their case for a category of Fellowship.

Semester 1 submission deadline (Thursday 3rd June 23:59)

The first round of assessment panels in 2021 will be held across June and July. Associate Fellow, Fellow and Senior Fellow


Preparing a successful application for Fellowship takes time. There is a set written genre and criteria that need to be met. Applicants who have been successful at panel have found the following workshops to be necessary to writing the final application. You can register for workshops at the following links. Additional workshops will be offered later in Semester 1.

Mapping and writing your practice to the UKPSF (Associate Fellowship, Fellowship and Senior Fellowship)

This first workshop is 60 mins long and explores the genre of writing expected for all categories of Fellowship and provides an opportunity to meet others across schools and faculties who are applying for recognition this year.

The workshop covers:

  • Identifying the Descriptor or Category (i.e. Associate Fellow, Fellow and Senior Fellow) best meets your practice
  • Writing for Fellowship – the genre and style of for a Reflective Account of Professional Practice
  • The importance of evidence
  • The inclusion of scholarly literature
  • The integration of continuing professional development
  • A UKPSF Q&A session

Register Now   15th April 2021, 10 am – 11 am, Zoom

Register Now   20th April 2021, 2-3pm, Zoom

Register Now   22nd April 2021, 12-1pm, Zoom

Register Now   26th April 2021, 1.30-2.30pm, Zoom

Writing for Associate Fellowship and Fellowship (D1 and D2)

This workshop provides two and a half hours of structured time for applicants submitting for AFHEA or FHEA status to work on their written application while asking questions on aspects related to writing, submission or assessment process. This workshop will allow you to:

  1. Allot a distraction free time to dedicate to drafting, writing, or editing your written application
  2. Receive peer and expert review of your written draft
  3. Understand submission guidelines and assessor expectations
  4. Ask questions and receive answers to common or specific problems or queries
  5. Book follow-up 1:1 consultations for a final draft review of your application prior to submissions

* Note – 1:1 consultations are reserved for workshop attendees

Pre-work will be sent to participants a week in advance. 

Register Now   28th April 2021, 10.00-`12.30pm, Zoom

Writing for Senior Fellowship (D3)

This workshop provides two and a half hours of structured time for applicants submitting for SFHEA status to work on their written application while asking questions on aspects related to writing, submission or assessment process. This workshop will allow you to:

  1. Identify and reflect on your definition of leadership and mentorship and how this influences your professional practice (D3.vii)
  2. Allot a distraction free time to dedicate to drafting, writing, or editing your written application
  3. Receive peer and expert review of your written draft
  4. Understand submission guidelines and assessor expectations
  5. Ask questions and receive answers to common or specific problems or queries
  6. Book follow-up 1:1 consultations for a final draft review of your application prior to submissions

* Note – 1:1 consultations are reserved for workshop attendees

Pre-work will be sent to participants a week in advance. 

Register Now   27th April 2021, 1.00-3.30pm, Zoom

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