2024 Sydney Teaching Symposium – Resources

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This page houses the resources from the 2024 Sydney Teaching Symposium, which the presenters and facilitators have given permission to share. We will add to this page as more resources are provided.

Recordings and resources

The full program, including abstracts, can be found at the bottom of this page.

Welcome and Keynote


Morning presentations – Session 1

Track A

  • 1A1 – A journey of flipping units in first-year and beyond by Stephen George-Williams, Susan Hemsley, Francesca Van Den Berg and Timothy Lee – RECORDING
  • 1A2 –  The Home Hub: Embedding personal tutoring into year 1 units by Kate Edwards RECORDING
  • 1A3 – Using Student-led Focus Groups to Uncover Barriers to Diverse Student Engagement by Natalie Silver, Edward Ford – RECORDING
  • 1A4 – Designing Interactive Orals using Universal Design for Learning Principles by Ju Li Ng, Meraiah Foley, Vanessa Loh RECORDING
  • Padlet: https://bit.ly/2024_symposium_1A

Track B

  • 1B1 – Creating Diverse and Inclusive Learning Environments by Pooja Biswas 
  • 1B2 – Engaging students and teachers as partners to transform feedback practices in Exercise and Sport Science by Jacqueline Raymond, Janelle Gifford, Francine Geronimo and Angelique Nowak 
  • 1B3 – Enhancing student engagement with academic writing through personalised feedback sessions by Hong Nguyen, Tim Lee, Caitlyn ForsterRECORDING
  • 1B4 – Valuing cultural diversity and supporting early engagement in a coursework masters program by Maja Ibric, Milan Przulj, Elizabeth Bourne RECORDING
  • Padlet: https://bit.ly/2024_symposium_1B

Track C

  • 1C1 – Supporting Connections and Belonging by Karen-Anne Wong RECORDING
  • 1C2 – Two Birds, One Stone: Using Self and Peer Evaluation to Promote Individual Growth and Enhance the Group Work Experience – Clara Sitbon, Oliver GordonRECORDING
  • 1C3 – Collaborative Insights: What students want the educators to know about their group work assignments by Kotryna K. Fraser, Mingming Liu, Carissa Miltiadou, Raphael Pinawin, Nicholas Dudley, Lukas Lum, James Clain, Tania –  Gardner, Claire Hiller 
  • 1C4 – Using Cogniti to enhance understanding of measurement properties of Occupational Therapy assessment tools by Jacqueline Wesson RECORDING
  • Padlet: https://bit.ly/2024_symposium_1C

Morning presentations – Session 2

Track A

  • 2A1 – How generative AI can enhance personalised feedback at scale by Fran van den Berg, Liana Pozza, Floris Van Ogtrop and Minh HuynhRECORDING
  • 2A2 – Proactive Student Support via Early Feedback Tasks: Beyond the Traditional Canvas Quiz by Joanne Hinitt, Ryan NaylorRECORDING
  • 2A3 – Design fiction and Generative AI for visualising futures by Rodrigo Hernández Ramírez RECORDING
  • 2A4 – Project COMS; A Collaborative Online, Multidisciplinary Simulation by Belinda Judd, Christie Van DiggeleRECORDING
  • Padlet: https://bit.ly/2024_symposium_2A

Track B

  • 2B1 – Confidence-boosting Strategies for Active Student Engagement by Mohammad Polash RECORDING
  • 2B2 – Co-designing with students using workshops by Jody Watts, Michelle LyRECORDING
  • 2B3 – Hit “PLAY”: 3MT Pitch as an assignment and competition to transform students’ learning experience in the classroom and beyond by Maria Ishkova, Nicola Whitton, Abby BobkowskiRECORDING
  • 2B4 – Enhancing Veterinary Practice Management Education with Centaur the Mentor by Anne QuainRECORDING
  • Padlet: https://bit.ly/2024_symposium_2B

Track C

  • 2C1 – Co-creating inclusive learning spaces through strengths-based approaches to diversity by Amani Bell, Helia Nateghi Baygi, Annelise RyanRECORDING
  • 2C2 – Padlet and COGNITI: A Scaffolded Approach to Writing Practice by Carolyn Stott RECORDING
  • 2C3 – Programmatic Assessment for Learning in the Doctor of Physiotherapy: Reflections and Future Pathways? by Sonia Cheng, Jean Meyer; Fereshteh PourkazemiRECORDING
  • 2C4 – Differential learning pathways: Adapting to diverse student needs by Ashlee Pearson, David Lowe, Xi Wu 
  • Padlet: https://bit.ly/2024_symposium_2C

Afternoon presentations – Session 3

Track A

  • Indigenisation of Curricula: Your Role and Responsibilities by Jennifer Barrett, Rick Macourt, Michael Mossman 

Track C

  • 3C1 – Using Scenario-based learning (SBL) with Artificial Intelligence tools by Mark Freeman RECORDING
  • 3C2 – Choose Your Own Medium by Mike Widjaja, Osu LiljeRECORDING
  • 3C3 – Team Building Activities Improve Student Experience by Louis Taborda RECORDING
  • Padlet: https://bit.ly/2024_symposium_3C

Afternoon presentations – Session 4

Track C

  • 4C1 – Reflections on “requiring” the use of Generative AI for a communication assessment in Systems Physiology by Elizabeth Clarke, Anna WaterhouseRECORDING
  • 4C2 – UDL assessments in a laboratory environment by Shane WilkinsonRECORDING
  • 4C3 – SGQQ 2.0 by Tamara Neal, James Collins II, Bec PlumbeRECORDING
  • Padlet: https://bit.ly/2024_symposium_4C



Time Track A Track B Track C
9:00 am
Adam Bridgeman

Location: Plenary - Room 1130
9:15 am
Keynote: Critical Transitions over the student life-cycle
Sarah O'Shea

Location: Plenary - Room 1130

Globally, higher education is undergoing a period of significant change, including a collective drive to grow the numbers and diversity of students accessing tertiary institutions. Within Australia, t... [more]
10:00 am
Launch of the Green Guide and Student Partnership Charter
Samantha Clarke, Jessica Frawley

Location: Plenary - Room 1130
10:20 am
Morning tea
10:40 am
[1A1] A journey of flipping units in first-year and beyond
Stephen George-Williams, Susan Hemsley, Francesca Van Den Berg and Timothy Lee

Location: Track A - Room 1130

Flipped classrooms, where content is delivered before class to focus on active learning, can increase student engagement and performance. However, students often prefer passive environments, believing... [more]
[1B1] Creating Diverse and Inclusive Learning Environments
Pooja Biswas

Location: Track B - Room 1060

Creating diverse and inclusive learning environments is crucial to providing students with an education that is truly open, engaged, relevant and responsive to the social issues of today and the incre... [more]
[1C1] Supporting Connections and Belonging
Karen-Anne Wong

Location: Track C - Room 1070

The Knowing Your Students (KYS) report and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework were instrumental in designing a postgraduate unit tailored to the specific needs of the student cohort. With n... [more]
11:00 am
[1A2] The Home Hub: Embedding personal tutoring into year 1 units
Kate Edwards

Location: Track A - Room 1130

This project integrated a personal tutor model delivered as part of core Exercise and Sport Science (ESS) and Exercise Physiology (EP) large year 1 unit (N=250-300) in Semester 1 2024. Each tutorial g... [more]
[1C2] Two Birds, One Stone: Using Self and Peer Evaluation to Promote Individual Growth and Enhance the Group Work Experience
Clara Sitbon, Oliver Gordon

Location: Track C - Room 1070

"Freeloaders," "time management issues," and "poor communication" are frequent complaints from students regarding group work at university. These challenges often undermi... [more]
11:20 am
[1A3] Using Student-led Focus Groups to Uncover Barriers to Diverse Student Engagement
Natalie Silver, Edward Ford

Location: Track A - Room 1130

Student Experience Survey (SES) and Unit of Study Survey (USS) data indicate low student engagement in Law School classrooms, particularly among female students and those from underrepresented backgro... [more]
[1B3] Enhancing student engagement with academic writing through personalised feedback sessions
Hong Nguyen, Tim Lee, Caitlyn Forster

Location: Track B - Room 1060

Writing a scientific report is a new and challenging task for most first-year undergraduate biology students due to the academic transition, lack of prior experience, and confusion with the format and... [more]
[1C3] Collaborative Insights: What students want the educators to know about their group work assignments
Kotryna K. Fraser, Mingming Liu, Carissa Miltiadou, Raphael Pinawin, Nicholas Dudley, Lukas Lum, James Clain, Tania Gardner, Claire Hiller

Location: Track C - Room 1070

Group assessments are commonly used to develop teamwork skills and reduce marking burden, but students often report uneven contributions, interpersonal conflict, elevated stress, and lower marks compa... [more]
11:40 am
[1A4] Designing Interactive Orals using Universal Design for Learning Principles
Ju Li Ng, Meraiah Foley, Vanessa Loh

Location: Track A - Room 1130

Interactive Oral Assessments (IOAs) address assurance of learning challenges associated with generative AI and offer significant potential to embed Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles into ... [more]
[1B4] Valuing cultural diversity and supporting early engagement in a coursework masters program
Maja Ibric, Milan Przulj, Elizabeth Bourne

Location: Track B - Room 1060

The Master of Speech Language Pathology welcomes students with diverse experiences and perspectives. However, some domestic students from equity or diverse backgrounds struggle to engage in the intens... [more]
[1C4] Using Cogniti to enhance understanding of measurement properties of Occupational Therapy assessment tools
Jacqueline Wesson

Location: Track C - Room 1070

This presentation will explore application of Cogniti in the first year Master of Occupational Therapy (OT) program, focused on enhancing students' understanding of OT client assessment tools.Und... [more]
12:00 pm
Short break
12:10 pm
[2A1] How generative AI can enhance personalised feedback at scale
Fran van den Berg, Liana Pozza, Floris Van Ogtrop and Minh Huynh,

Location: Track A - Room 1130

"Introduction to Statistical Methods" and "From Molecules to Ecosystems" are first-year units in the School of Life and Environmental Sciences with large enrolments up to 1400 stud... [more]
[2B1] Confidence-boosting Strategies for Active Student Engagement
Mohammad Polash

Location: Track B - Room 1060

This talk explores two initiatives that bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application while fostering student engagement and confidence in complex assignments. The Warm-up Tas... [more]
[2C1] Co-creating inclusive learning spaces through strengths-based approaches to diversity
Amani Bell, Helia Nateghi Baygi & Annelise Ryan

Location: Track C - Room 1070

Our team of eight educators and six students co-designed learning activities and resources to support allied health students from diverse backgrounds in their on and off-campus learning environments. ... [more]
12:30 pm
[2A2] Proactive Student Support via Early Feedback Tasks: Beyond the Traditional Canvas Quiz
Joanne Hinitt, Ryan Naylor

Location: Track A - Room 1130

This presentation discusses two innovative Early Feedback Tasks in first-year, first-semester units in the School of Health Sciences, aimed at proactively identifying and supporting at-risk students a... [more]
[2B2] Co-designing with students using workshops
Jody Watts, Michelle Ly

Location: Track B - Room 1060

This session will present a workshop template for educators who are wanting to co-design with student-partners but who are unfamiliar with the workshop method. Co-design workshops are a familiar resea... [more]
[2C2] Padlet and Cogniti: A Scaffolded Approach to Writing Practice
Carolyn Stott

Location: Track C - Room 1070

This transferable approach, designed for a French 3 language unit, aimed to provide students with regular writing practice and personalized feedback on demand regarding grammatical accuracy, syntax, a... [more]
12:50 pm
[2A3] Design fiction and Generative AI for visualising futures
Rodrigo Hernández Ramírez

Location: Track A - Room 1130

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is poised to change learning, teaching, and evaluation. Sydney University has encouraged incorporating generative AI in learning and teaching environments. This presentati... [more]
[2B3] Hit “PLAY”: 3MT Pitch as an assignment and competition to transform students’ learning experience in the classroom and beyond
Maria Ishkova, Nicola Whitton, Abby Bobkowski

Location: Track B - Room 1060

This presentation will spotlight playful learning and use an Inaugural Business School 3MT Pitch Competition (TEDx style and Elevator Pitch style) for undergraduate students in Work and Organisational... [more]
[2C3] Programmatic Assessment for Learning in the Doctor of Physiotherapy: Reflections and Future Pathways?
Sonia Cheng, Jean Meyer; Fereshteh Pourkazemi

Location: Track C - Room 1070

The inaugural Doctor of Physiotherapy program, with a cohort of 110 students, uses Programmatic Assessment for Learning. This session will outline the structure and delivery of 19 assessments and 15 w... [more]
1:10 pm
[2A4] Project COMS; A Collaborative Online, Multidisciplinary Simulation
Belinda Judd, Christie Van Diggele

Location: Track A - Room 1130

Interprofessional learning (IPL) is critical for developing a collaborative health workforce, facilitating inclusive and collaborative practice, and fostering a greater understanding of one's pro... [more]
[2B4] Enhancing Veterinary Practice Management Education with Centaur the Mentor
Anne Quain

Location: Track B - Room 1060

"Centaur the Mentor" is a Cogniti-based mentor for students in the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine program developed specifically for those studying Practice Management. Recognising the divers... [more]
[2C4] Differential learning pathways: Adapting to diverse student needs
Ashlee Pearson, David Lowe, Xi Wu

Location: Track C - Room 1070

Students in large first year cohorts typically exhibit significant diversity in academic preparation, motivation, and learning approaches. These courses are typically inflexible and linear, designed a... [more]
1:30 pm
2:10 pm
Indigenisation of Curricula: Your Role and Responsibilities
Jennifer Barrett, Rick Macourt, Michael Mossman

Location: Track A - Room 1130

The inclusion and celebration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, knowledge systems and pedagogies in curricula is a key element of the University’s Indigenous strategies. Often refer... [more]
Students as Partners Community of Practice
Facilitated by Jessica Frawley

Location: Track B - Room 1060

Join staff and students for the launch of the Student Partnership Charter. We will introduce the core value of RESPECT and its seven principles with their attendant actions. Following the Charter intr... [more]
[3C1] Using Scenario-based learning (SBL) with Artificial Intelligence tools
Mark Freeman

Location: Track C - Room 1070

This session proposes a teaching initiative undertaken during lectures, leading to additional asynchronous activities. It integrates Artificial Intelligence (AI) to enhance the educational experience ... [more]
2:30 pm
[3C2] Choose Your Own Medium
Mike Widjaja, Osu Lilje

Location: Track C - Room 1070

We designed a "choose your own medium" group assessment for first-year pharmacy students in our biology unit (BIOL1009), consisting of over 300 students in approximately 80 groups. The task ... [more]
2:50 pm
[3C3] Team Building Activities Improve Student Experience
Louis Taborda

Location: Track C - Room 1070

We expect our students to be able to work in teams in the classroom or to complete assessments, however, teamwork and collaboration do not always come naturally to our students - especially if they ar... [more]
3:10 pm
Movement break
3:20 pm
AI in Education community of practice
Location: Track A - Room 1130
Sydney Educational Fellowship Program
Location: Track B - Room 1060

Participation in this session is by invitation only.... [more]
[4C1] Reflections on “requiring” the use of Generative AI for a communication assessment in Systems Physiology
Elizabeth Clarke, Anna Waterhouse

Location: Track C - Room 1070

In 2023, we suspected students might be using Generative AI to reduce effort in a PHSI 3010 Systems Physiology assignment, potentially impacting their learning. For 2024, we adjusted our approach by r... [more]
3:40 pm
[4C2] UDL assessments in a laboratory environment
Shane Wilkinson

Location: Track C - Room 1070

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is an inclusive teaching framework offering students flexibility in accessing material and demonstrating knowledge. Research indicates that assessment choice can en... [more]
4:00 pm
[4C3] SGQQ 2.0
Tamara Neal, James Collins II, Bec Plumbe

Location: Track C - Room 1070

This assessment task leverages the benefits of student-created quiz questions to enhance learning. Students work in groups across two rounds: first, creating and evaluating questions among peers; seco... [more]
4:20 pm
Refreshments and canapes


More information

This symposium is being organised by the Educational Innovation team in the DVC (Education) Portfolio, and is led by Eszter Kalman, Marianna Koulias, Samantha Clarke, Jessica Frawley, Danny Liu, and Adam Bridgeman. To contact us, please email [email protected].