[2B3] Hit “PLAY”: 3MT Pitch as an assignment and competition to transform students’ learning experience in the classroom and beyond

This presentation will spotlight playful learning and use an Inaugural Business School 3MT Pitch Competition (TEDx style and Elevator Pitch style) for undergraduate students in Work and Organisational Studies to showcase an innovative approach to developing and assuring USYD Graduate Qualities (i.e.: “Communication”, “Influence” “Critical thinking and problem solving”, “Inventiveness” and “Integrated professional, ethical, and personal identity”). As an education-focused academic who redesigned written assignments into interactive orals in early 2023 (overall, 6 deliveries across 3 UG and PG units of study since first introduced 3 semesters ago), I will share my “why” and “how”, outline hurdles and opportunities such approach allows and invite students’ and industry partners’ perspectives to highlight the “so what” of the learning experience and outcomes. Participants will be able to address their questions to one of the finalists of this competition and explore the applicability of this approach to their teaching context from both student’s and educator’s perspective.