[2A2] Proactive Student Support via Early Feedback Tasks: Beyond the Traditional Canvas Quiz

This presentation discusses two innovative Early Feedback Tasks in first-year, first-semester units in the School of Health Sciences, aimed at proactively identifying and supporting at-risk students as per the Support for Students Policy. Both units required students to submit short videos of themselves via Canvas to increase sense of belonging, build relational teaching, and provide early feedback. The Occupational Therapy unit used a structured rubric in SpeedGrader for evaluation, reducing marking time but placing more onus on the instructor to identify and link with additional supports. The Health, Behaviour and Society Unit employed the Student Relationship Engagement System (SRES) for more detailed, targeted, and personalised feedback and support, demonstrating a more effective real-life application of the policy. Both approaches aimed to authentically implement the policy by providing meaningful and timely feedback. They emphasise the importance of iterative improvements and idea-sharing among educators. Exemplars of the SRES and SpeedGrader templates will be available for adaptation.