[1A3] Using Student-led Focus Groups to Uncover Barriers to Diverse Student Engagement

Student Experience Survey (SES) and Unit of Study Survey (USS) data indicate low student engagement in Law School classrooms, particularly among female students and those from underrepresented backgrounds, impacting performance and well-being. As the student cohort has grown and diversified, we investigated the factors hindering engagement and participation. Two senior law students, employed as Student Partners, facilitated five focus groups without academic staff, fostering candid discussions among diverse participants. The focus groups revealed common barriers to engagement with implications for teaching practices at the Law School and University. This presentation will discuss the focus group process, share high-level findings, and provide concrete recommendations for promoting student engagement in the classroom. Attendees will gain insights into the factors affecting student engagement and practical strategies for creating more inclusive learning environments that support the success and well-being of all students.