Keynote: Critical Transitions over the student life-cycle

Globally, higher education is undergoing a period of significant change, including a collective drive to grow the numbers and diversity of students accessing tertiary institutions. Within Australia, this transformation has been foregrounded by the recent ‘whole of sector’ review led by Professor Mary O’Kane, which has led to critical debate about the role and purpose of our universities. The resulting Accord report rightly places equitable participation front and centre in its deliberations, but there are complexities to this perspective not least of which is the need for fundamental shifts in the ways universities support students throughout this academic journey. This presentation unpacks the concept of student transition to highlight its complex and manifold nature. Whilst the initial transition into university is generally well-supported, students report other ‘critical stages’ during studies that can be challenging. Based on research conducted with students from diverse backgrounds, this presentation offers an ‘insider’ view about how students navigate these various stages and reflect on these journeys into and through university. The session will also provide practical resources and best practice guidelines that can support initiatives and innovations during these critical transitions.