2022 NSW+ACT AdvanceHE Fellows Forum

Photo by Pushpak Bhandari on Unsplash

You are invited to the inaugural NSW and ACT AdvanceHE Fellows Forum, to be held in February 2022 hosted by the University of Sydney. This event is brought to you by the AdvanceHE fellowship program teams at the University of New South Wales, Macquarie University, Western Sydney University, University of Notre Dame, Australian Catholic University, University of Newcastle, the University of Canberra, Charles Sturt University, the Australian National University, and the University of Sydney.

The aim of this forum is to support existing and prospective AdvanceHE fellows at any category to connect across institutions, with a view to sharing practices and building networks. These collaborative connections are particularly important as we enter an uncertain period of time in higher education.

Specific aims are to:

  1. connect AdvanceHE fellows across institutions to promote a sense of collective endeavour,
  2. reflect on and share effective teaching and learning support practices,
  3. emphasise the important and diverse roles that fellows of all categories play in higher education, and
  4. provide AdvanceHE fellows across NSW and ACT institutions with a stronger feel of the reach and community of fellows regionally and internationally.

You don’t need to be an existing fellow to participate.

Registrations closed



  • Date and time: Friday 11 February 2022, starting at 9:30 am AEDT.
  • Location: Online, due to the current Omicron wave in NSW. Hybrid, simultaneously at the University of Sydney main campus (Camperdown) and online via Zoom. The in-person element will be subject to State and University regulations – we will update registrants closer to the date.
  • Eligibility: Existing AdvanceHE fellows at any category (AFHEA, FHEA, SFHEA, and PFHEA) as well as those who are interested in the community of fellows.
  • Registration: Free but essential. Login instructions will be emailed to registrants.


9:30 Welcome and introduction

9:35 A global perspective on fellowships

9:45 Introduction to the AHE fellowship programs at each institution

10:15 Sharing experiences from teaching and supporting learning over the last 24 months. These breakout groups will foster cross-institutional dialogue within disciplinary and role-based groups, and help participants make connections across institutions.

11:10 Morning tea break

11:30 Gathering of participant-selected interest groups for deep-dive discussions. These hybrid breakout groups will address five themes, which are aligned to the UKPSF:

(i) Applying for SFHEA and developing your own leadership
(ii) Use and production of SoTL
(iii) Engaging learners in the post-COVID learning environment
(iv) Assessment and feedback design
(v) Work integrated learning

Each interest group will run for 40 minutes, and there will be two rotations to allow participants to engage with those they are interested in.

1:00 Interest group wrap-up

1:20 Each institution wraps up and discusses next steps

1:30 Close

Registrations closed



This forum is being organised by a cross-institutional team led by the University of Sydney.

  • Kimberly Baskin (University of Sydney)
  • Danny Liu (University of Sydney)
  • Anna Rowe (University of New South Wales)
  • Karina Luzia (Macquarie University)
  • Christina Curry (Western Sydney University)
  • Carole Steketee (University of Notre Dame)
  • Kathie Ardzejewska (University of Notre Dame)
  • Sharon Herkes (University of Notre Dame)
  • Ness Fredericks (Australian Catholic University)
  • Catharine Coleborne (University of Newcastle)
  • Leanne Vaughan (University of Newcastle)
  • Yvonne Wisbey (University of Canberra)
  • Lucy Webster (Charles Sturt University)
  • Denise Wood (Charles Sturt University)
  • Richard Lander-Clarke (Australian National University)

For any questions, please contact [email protected]