[Engaging large cohorts] Flipping workshops online in Business [1B]

We were very fortunate as a flipped-learning unit of study that we had a large percentage of our modules already online. However, we needed to re-design the 2-hour face to face ‘workshops’ into ‘Zoom-engaged learning’. To support this, we developed a ‘Zoom’ on-line Scaffold’ for each CANVAS module, to support both the teaching/learning flow and engagement.

Technology enhanced learning kept things interesting as we used: ZOOM Polling function, Padlet, SRES for appreciative feedback, PaLDIP to support our team-based reflections

We also re-designed our participation assessment * dropped the ‘attendance’ criteria and replaced with a ‘pre-work’ submission criterion – this harnessed the existing pre-work activities in our modules making student learning visible and accountable.

It’s been quite a ride. Our sense is that the transition was smooth and positively received by students. Our module student survey data, informal feedback from students in workshops, unsolicited emails from students have appreciated this smooth transition to ZOOM and the genuine connection and community of learning it has fostered.